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Colorado River - Ives Expedition

Report upon the Colorado river of the West

(Excerpts from: Report upon the Colorado river of the West)
Lt. J.C. Ives


Fort Yuma to Mojave Canon

Departure from Fort Yuma.~ Indian Guides. ~ Yuma Shoals.~ A Bad Start. ~ Purple Hills. ~ Explorer's Pass. ~ Arrival of Mail.~ Purple Hill Pass.Reedy Bend. ~ Varieties of Coloring. ~ Canebrake Cation. ~ Chimney Peak ~ Precipice Bend. ~ Rapid. ~ Barrier Island. ~ The Spires. ~ Chocolate Mountains ~ Red Rock Gate.~ The Sleeper. ~ Light-house Rock. ~ Porphyry Gate. ~ Great Colorado Valley. ~ Snags and Sunken Rocks. ~Barrenness of Ron.~ Natural History Collec- tions. ~ Dismal Flats. ~ Carroll's Creek. ~ Halfway Mountains. ~ Yuma Indians. ~ Intelligence from Mojaves. ~ Cbeme- hucvis Indians ~ Monument Mountains ~ Ihe Monument ~ Sand Island, Shoals. ~ Return of Lieutenant Tipton to Fort Yuma. ~ Impression made upon Indians by Steamboat. ~ Engagement of Mail Carrier. ~ Riverside Mountain. ~ Mineral Treasures. ~ Corner Rock. ~ Monument Gallon. ~ Tinted Rockp, ~ Romantic Scenery. ~ Chemehuevis Valley. ~ Mouth of Bill Williams's Fork. ~ Difficulty in Finding Stream. ~ Disappearance of Lieutenant Whipple's Trail. ~ Sunken Rocks ~ Mojave Spies. ~ Norther. ~ Drifting Sand. ~ Mojave Range The Needles. ~ Mount Whipple. ~ Return of Runner with Mail. ~ An Old Acquaintance. ~ Short Supply of Provisions ~ Trading with Indians. ~ Disparity between Temperatures of Day and Night. ~ Difficult Rapid. ~ Mojave Canyon.


Mojave Valley

Foot Hills of Mojave Range. ~ Entrance to Mojave Valley. ~ Description of Valley. ~ Mojave Indians. ~ Appearance of Women and Children. ~ Provision Trade. ~ Valuable Interpreter. ~ Visit from the Chief Jose' and Tribe. ~ Distrust of the Expedi- tion. ~ Establishment of Treaty. ~ Difficulty of Oral Communication. ~ Distribution of Gifts. ~ Violation of Treaty. ~ In- terference of Yuma Guide. ~ Adjustment of Difficulty. ~ Runner despatched to Fort Yuma. ~ Manuel and Tribe. -An Old Friend. ~ Visit from Cairook. ~ Real entrance into Camp. -Friendly Intercourse with Mojaves. ~ Description of the Tribe. ~ Religion, Superstitions, Character, &c. ~ Fancied Superiority to Whites. ~ Relations with other Tribes. ~ Vegeta- rian Diet. ~ Method of Cultivating Soil. ~ Precarious Nature of their Crops. ~ Value of Region for Whit« Settlements. ~ Navigability of River throughout Mojave Valley. ~ Black Mountains. ~ Beale's Pass. ~ Approach of Spring.


Mojave Valley to mouth of Black Canon

Dead Mountain. ~ Traditions Concerning it ~ Pyramid Cafion. ~ Deep Rapid. ~ Rapids and Rocky Shoal. ~ Long Detention. ~ Sandstorm. ~ Defects in Steamer. ~Topographical and Geological. Investigations. ~ Departure of Capitan. ~ Arrival of Mail Carriers. ~ Intelligence from the Pack Train. ~ Cottonwood Valley. ~ Painted Cafion. ~ Mount Davis. ~ Vicinity of Pai-utes. ~ Difficult Rapids. ~ Gravel Bluflfe.~ Mouth of Black Caflon. ~ Explorer's Rock. ~ Accident to Steamboat. ~ De- tention. ~ Scarcity of Supplies. ~ Preparations to ascend the Cafion. ~ Minerals in Opal Mountains.


Black Canon to Great Bend - Return to Mojave Valley

Canon Scenery. ~ Roaring Rapid. ~ Camp in the Cafion. ~ FrequeLt occurrence of Rapids. ~ Outlet from Canon. ~ Fortification Bock. ~ Neighborhood of Great Bend. ~ Head of Navigation. ~ Return to Steamer. ~ News from Fort Yuma and tho Train. ~ Commencement of descent of River. ~ Mormon Scouting Party. ~ Disaffection among Indians. ~ Mormons among Mojaves. ~ Arrival of Mule Train. ~Reconnaissance to Mormon Road. ~ Violent Storm. ~ Desertion of Mojaves. ~ Return to Mojave Valley. ~ Suspicious conduct of Indians. ~ Interview with Cairook. ~ Explanation of Difficulty. ~ Division of Party. ~ Return of Steamboat. ~ Mojave Guides.~ Departure from River. ~ Slope to Black Mountains. ~ Last view of Mojave Valley. ~ Sitgreaves Pass.


Mojave Valley to Big Canon, at mouth of Diamond River

Meadow Creek.~ Ircteba's Mountain. ~ Valley. ~ Railroad Pass.~ Profile of Cut-off from Big Sandy, via Railroad Pass, to Colorado. ~ Cerbat Range. ~ Topography near Great Bend. ~ Aquarius Mountains. ~ Peacock's Spring. ~ Ilualpais Guides. ~ Appearance of Game. ~ Colorado Plateau and Cafion. ~ New River. ~ Side CaSlon of Diamond River. ~ Hualpais Retreats. ~ Appearance of Inhabitants. ~ Diamond River. ~ Big Canon of the Colorado. ~ Geological Exposures. ~ Ascent of Side Canon. ~ Temporary Embarrassment. ~ Arrival at Hualpais Spring. ~ Departure of Ireteba and Mojave Guide. ~ Side Canons of the Colorado.

Editor's notes:

Some of this text was pretty dinged up in scanning. I've tried to go through and clean it up some to make it readable, but I'm sure there's still plenty of errors. Good luck to you :-).

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